Sean Ali, A Blink in the Sun (n/n 016)



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A Blink in the Sun is the second solo album by bassist and poet Sean Ali. The album is composed of many layers of bass and spoken word that have been shaped into seven musical pieces that depict an inner journey, a joyful dive into the interior rabbit hole. Speaking, whispering, and breathing combine with spectral and timbral double bass performances to create a series of self-portraits in sonic hues and oratorial pigments.. The album’s journey through density to translucence is a musical meditation on the multi-faceted nature of the self. 


Sean Ali - double bass, voice

Recorded by Nathaniel Morgan at Buckminster Forest in Brooklyn, NY on January 4th and 26th, 2020. Mixed and mastered by Nathaniel Morgan. All music and text by Sean Ali. Album artwork by Sean Ali. Text from tracks 2-6 originally published in Awake Afar Off (The Bodily Press, 2017).

Release date: April 1, 2021.

Sean Ali interviewed by Carlo Costa in March 2021 for the release of A Blink in the Sun



Ali weet op A Blink in the Sun het gesproken woord en instrumentale muziek op experimentele wijze bij elkaar te brengen, waarbij de twee disciplines elkaar aanvullen, versterken of juist in contrast tot elkaar staan. Hij doet dat in zeven (met bonustrack acht) stukken die onderling verschillen maar door de heldere muzikale aanpak en ideeën tezamen een coherente indruk maken. De woorden van Ali blijven in dit stuk overigens wat onderbelicht en verdienen meer aandacht; ze stemmen tot nadenken en bevatten een sterke poëtische kracht. Een exceptioneel en bijzonder fraai album.” (April 22, 2021)

Neither/Nor Records